Mechanics Local 701 Automobile Training Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

What are entry-level mechanic training programs?
Entry-level mechanic training programs prepare participants with limited industry training and experience for career-track employment as automotive, truck, and equipment master mechanics. Entry-level training includes physical, mechanical, and environmentally safe practices and instructor-led classroom and shop classes that fulfill ASE accredited program standard guidelines, and on-the-job training with experienced master mechanics.

How do I apply to participate in an entry-level mechanic training program?
How do I apply to participate in an entry-level mechanic training program?
Entry-level automotive and truck mechanic training classes begin in January and July. Applicants can apply online or download and complete this application then deliver it to Jerry Eckert, Training Director – Mechanics Local 701 Training Fund, 2650 N. Farnsworth, Aurora, IL 60502
Applicants accepted into the Mechanics Local 701 Training Programs are not automatically assigned to an employer. At the end of the Introduction Class, 11 weeks for automotive and 22 weeks for truck training, the participants are matched to employers with open positions based on mechanical aptitude, academic achievement, and commute time.
Participants in Fund training programs attend a seven and one half hour class one day per week and work the remainder of the week in automotive, truck or equipment repair facilities gaining on-the-job experience to complement their classroom and shop instruction.
Hourly wages for participants in entry-level training programs depend on the industry and the participant’s aptitude, experience and dependability. As of August 2022, the hourly wage scale ranges for automotive mechanic entry-level is $15.00 to $21.00 an hour, truck mechanic entry-level $18.00 to $24.00 and hour. Typical fringe benefit employment packages include a premium health insurance plan, defined benefit pension plan funded by employer contributions, 401k plan, sick and vacation days.
The entry-level mechanic training curriculum meets or exceeds the standards established by the Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation (ASEEF); specifically, the 2022 Automobile Service Technician (AST) programs and 2018 Medium/Heavy Truck Service Technician. Equipment entry-level training curricula are manufacturer and employer specific. Mechanics Local 701 Training Fund programs are the technical standard equivalent of programs sponsored by local community colleges and universities.
The cost to train a single, entry-level mechanic is the same for the Fund as it is for community colleges and private, for-profit schools which is $12,500 to $45,000. The difference is, in order to attract and develop the best and brightest talent, the members and employers of Local 701 underwrite the cost of entry-level mechanic training. The expense of entry-level training programs is considered an investment in the future of the industry equally beneficial to the union and employers. In 2022, the union members and employers will award $968,000 in scholarships to participants in Fund training programs.
In 2022, the total cost of the 30 month entry-level automotive mechanic training is approximately $1,500.00 which includes course fees, on-line text book subscription fees, uniform fees, ASE testing fees, federal regulation license testing fees and the cost of consumable items. The total cost of the 24 month entry-level truck mechanic training is approximately $1,300.00. Training fees are non-refundable.
Completion of entry-level automotive mechanic training requires 220 hours of classroom, 550 hours of shop, 220 hours of self study and 4,160 hours of on-the job training employment. Completion of the entry-level truck mechanic training requires 176 hours of classroom, 440 hours of shop, 176 hours of self study and 3,328 hours of on-the job training employment. All courses are 11 weeks in duration. Completion of the entry-level automotive mechanic training requires 10 courses and entry-level truck mechanic training requires 7 courses.
Instruction at the training program facility includes all tools, equipment and personal protection devices required for instruction. Prospective participants should be aware professional automobile and truck mechanics are required to own and maintain the tools, equipment and personal protection devices necessary to complete vehicle maintenance and repair assignments. The range of tool and equipment investment of a professional mechanic is $25,000 to $50,000. Participants in Fund training programs are eligible for 50% discounts off retail prices with all the major automotive and truck tool manufacturers and distributors.
The entry-level automotive mechanic participant program graduation rate is approximately 75%. The most common reasons a participant involuntarily separates from the program is excessive absences or tardiness from school or work, consistent failure to maintain academic progress, consistent failure to follow program or employer’s policies, and failure to maintain employment with a Mechanics Local 701 employer. The entry-level truck mechanic participant program success rate is approximately 95%. Since 2017, 98% of participants successfully completing the entry-level mechanic training programs are employed with Mechanics Local 701 union employers.
The Fund is financed by the members and employers of Mechanics Local 701 and administered by the Mechanics Local 701 Training Fund. The Fund is is a United States Department of Labor supervised labor/management trust fund, subject to compliance with benefit requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).